AV College of Arts, Science & Commerce
Domalguda, Hyderabad - 500 029
(Affiliated To Osmania University)
 avcollege@gmail.com  27637751, 27610241 Notices



To ensure all round development of  students, a large variety of curricular, co-curricular and extra curricular activities and programs are organized regularly in the college. In addition students are encouraged to participate in outside college activities and competitions. Students who fulfill the below stated activity participation requirements are awarded with an A V College Star Student Badge and Certificate on Annual Day.

The A. V. College Star students Badge and Certificate is awarded to students who have in the given Academic Year -

And any three of  the following -

  1. Helped organize one Dept Activity. - HOD/ Activity Coordinator to give names
  2. Helped organize one College Activity - Director / Activity Conveners to decide
  3. Helped his/ her Faculty Mentor in taking up  one Activity / Student Project 
  4. Made Contribution to student Magazine / AV College YouTube Education Channel / Career Development Cell  etc.
  5. Helped organize an activity as Student Member in any one college Committee / Student Clubs given on College Web-site 
  6. Completed One Value Add Course / Certificate Course

(ALL Activities details  to be updated in Mentorship Form by Mentor as and when done, and Mentor to submit Star Student List at end of year to Head of Institution after sign from HOD)


A.V. College Students Council - U.G.  & P.G. 

A.V.College has two Student Councils, one at the Graduate Level and one at the Post Graduate Level. These Students Council are yet another opportunity provided by the College for students to develop leadership skills and understand the responsibilities that are part of any leadership role. The student Council comprises of two students from each class, one is the Class Representatives, who are usually appointed by the Faculty, and the other is a student elected Member from the Class.  The Council Members are expected to take up activities and suggest measures that will help develop student initiative, responsibility and help them become socially responsible citizens. In the first meeting of the student council members, they decide on the formal organizational structure, they would like to adopt. So far they have adopted an informal structure wherein Conveners and Coordinators are elected for every Activity that is undertaken, thus providing opportunity to all students to lead. All decisions are taken jointly by majority vote. 

The major activities organized so far include -an Industry- Institute interaction for computer science faculty and students in 2017, which resulted in the establishment of AV College Coding Centre for Computer Science students in 2018. Active involvement in Vigilance Week Celebrations held from 29 Oct - 3 Nov, 2018. Active involvement in the organization of  Platinum, Golden & Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the College held on Mar 1-9, 2019. They also did some fund raising for one of their initiatives - hosting of a Hydrogen Balloon on the Campus to mark the Platinum, Golden, Silver Jubilee festivities of the College on behalf of all Staff and students.

The student Council also submitted a proposal for the AV College Star Student initiative, which has been accepted and adopted by the College with effect from the Academic Year 2018 - 2019.  The Council works as a conduit for exchange of ideas between faculty and administration. It also serves as a sounding board for student ideas and initiatives before they are executed.


Sustainability and Climate Change Club

Is a student-run climate change group that provides the opportunity for like-minded students to congregate, socialize, and to create awareness about sustainability and climate change. It members organize and take part in events and activities related to sustainability. 

They constantly strive to make  positive environmental changes in and around the campus. The activities taken up by them include a drive by students for mass signing of the petition on Change .org to declare 1km Eco Sensitive Zone for KBR National Park Instead of Shrinking It!, till the petition reached the 10,000 mark in 2018.   Participation in the global call given by Greta Thurnberg on Mar 15, 2019 to Boycott classes and also supported the school - students movement at KBR Park, Hyderabad. Organizing a mini- college exhibition on Climate Change and Telangana in college on Mar 14, 2019 to create awareness about local impacts of Climate change. 

Latest being inclusion of a Student Green Pledge along with an adopt a tree on Campus, in the A V College Star Student Criteria for the Academic Year 2019 - 2020. 



Students Club for International Competitions

This club is open to all UG and PG students interested in participating in International Competitions and Events. The Club serves two purposes, first it provides a platform for networking and support for aspirant students. Secondly it helps in  creating awareness of the developments taking place globally. The Club operates through an official Watsap Group, where all forthcoming events are posted regularly and student and faculty inputs are also provided regarding preparation for such events. It currently has about 200 members. 

Student Conveners : N.Srikumar B.Sc.(M.S.Cs) 2020  

Faculty Convener : Dr.Vinita Sharma 

 Student Career Self Help Groups

                 The College has  various Student Self  Help Groups aligned to different professional aspirations of students like Civil Services Self Help Group, NET / SLET Self Help Group, Teaching Entrance Test (TET) Group, PG CET Self Help Groups - PG LAWCET, PGCET Maths & Stats etc. Students are encouraged to join these Groups to achieve their professional goals. Each Self-Help Group has a watsap Group for its members. Here recently passed out students members who were successful in the Group and along with some Alumni members having the necessary domain knowledge continue in the Watsap Groups. All participant members and Resource members share necessary inputs, organize activities etc. to help each other achieve  their professional goals. 

Student Conveners :   

Faculty Convener : G.Shantha, Ms.Suhasini


A.V. Youth Red Cross 

              The Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) is a voluntary humanitarian organization. It is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and so shares the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The society's mission is providing relief in times of disasters/emergencies and promoting health & care of vulnerable people and communities. Youth Red Cross aims to develop the mental and moral capacities of the youth through its three principles: Protection of Health & Life; Service to the Sick & Suffering; Promotion of National & International Friendship. It helps inculcate discipline in students and helps them to understand their responsibilities towards their countrymen, especially the poor and downtrodden.   Launched in the year 2019 the main purpose of AV College Youth Red Cross is to:

Faculty Conveners: Mr Purna Chandra (Chemistry),  Mr Stayanaraayana (PG Telugu), Ms Parmeshwari (Chemistry), Mr Ramesh (Maths), Mr.Venkatramaiah (Economics),   Mr. Kishore(Commerce), Ms Shivaleela (PG Maths)


A.V. Red Ribbon Club

Red Ribbon clubs are envisaged to instill among all the students the values of service, develop healthy life styles, and increase access to safe and adequate quantities of blood to all the needy by promotion of regular voluntary blood donation. Apart from this, RRC aims at harnessing the potential of the youth by equipping them with correct information on Mental Health, Substance abuse, Nutrition and reproductive & Sexual health and building their capacities as peer educators in spreading messages on positive health behavior in an enabling environment.



  1. To reduce new occurrences of HIV infection among youth by raising their risk perception through awareness on HIV prevention methods.
  2. To induce the spirit among youth to help and support people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) thereby reducing stigma and discrimination against PLHWAs.
  3. To motivate youth and build their capacity as peer educators and change agents by developing their skills on leadership, negotiation, and team building.
  4. To promote voluntary blood donation among youth

Faculty Convener -  Mr Buchi Reddy, Mr Sudhakar Reddy, Mr Harish

A.V.College Consumer Club 

Consumer Club Activities

Is an initiative taken to enhance awareness among the student community about the rights and responsibilities of a consumer.   It primary objectives are to

In order to achieve the above said objectives, the club organizes programmes like orientation, workshops, field visits, awareness meeting, fresher’s meet for first year students, awareness programmes for society and competitions both intra- and inter-collegiate level.

Student Conveners -   

Faculty Conveners - UG - Mr.Ramesh, Mr.Vinay Raj , Ms.Rukmini, Ms.Kavitha, Ms.GopiShree

      PG - Ms Meghana



Net Browsing Centre

In addition to Computer Lab access, browsing facilities are provided to all UG and PG students as follows for curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Net Resource Centre Coordinator (2.00 -3.00pm) -

UG Students - Mr Buchi Reddy, CommerceLab. (Every Monday and Wednesday)

PG Students - Ms Taruna Shah, MBA Comp. Lab (Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday)